The Bookcase That Leads to the Unknown

Open Book next to Wine GlassFor years and years, books have been able to take our minds to worlds we wouldn’t be able to even imagine. The worlds that authors are able to create allow us to disconnect from our daily lives and experience life through someone else’s eyes.

With all the power books have, doesn’t it make sense to display them in a unique and exciting way? With a bookcase that doubles as a secret passageway, you can create a space in your home unlike any other.


Invisible Hinges are the Key

Once you have decided to add this incredible feature into your home, it’s time to decide which option best suits you. With 3 different sizes of SOSS invisible hinges, you can incorporate these bookcases in a variety of ways. The SOSS invisible hinges allow you to create a seamless look which will never sag or have to adjusted, keeping your secrets safe.

Unlike leading “adjustable hinges” our hinges are built on stacks of solid steel plates that hold up to heavier weights without failing. Leading “adjustable hinges” has all the weight rest on a couple of hidden adjustment screws. You need to constantly adjust them because they start failing almost immediately. This is not the type of hinge you need or want if your building a door designed to serve as a bookshelf.

Large Bookcase

The largest bookcase that doubles as a hidden entrance to your secret room comes in at 146” tall, 47” wide, weighing 990 pounds with material that is 2-3/8” thick. By using 9 model #220 invisible hinges, you can secure your bookcase that will easily fit your literary collection while also dividing your secret room from the rest of your house.

Medium Bookcase

If you would like to have a sizeable bookcase that doubles as a secret door but don’t need the space of the large bookcase, there is a slightly smaller bookcase that may suit your needs. At 6 feet tall by 3 feet wide, the medium bookcase could still serve as a hidden entrance to a private room in your home, but anyone over 6 feet will have to duck down a bit as they enter. As this case is significantly lighter at 200 pounds, 4 model #220 invisible hinges will do.

Small Bookcase

Last but certainly not least is the smallest bookcase of the line up coming in at 35” tall by 18” wide and weighing just 49 pounds. While you probably won’t be using this bookcase as a hidden door into a secret room, it still can be a great accent in any home. Capable of hiding your prized possessions such as a safe or other hiding spot, this small bookcase can fit a collection of books or even a collection of wine!

If you are looking to really make your home your own, consider how these different bookcases could help you achieve it. Create your personal secret space with SOSS invisible hinges and let your imagination guide you.